Találatok száma: 206 üzenet |
Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
902. Elküldve:
2008-09-20 07:26:25 |
[52.] |
most kaptam valszt @suport-ul es azt monta hogy nem lesz magyar menu (a 7x0-ra), mert a kontrakt szerint nem szabant magyarozagon forgalmozni...
[válaszok erre: #903]
[előzmény: (898) kasy, 2008-09-18 17:25:50]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
897. Elküldve:
2008-09-18 12:30:35 |
[53.] |
uj emu (v11697) a x7x0-ra ...
[válaszok erre: #898]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
124. Elküldve:
2008-09-11 12:38:43 |
[54.] |
include: mbox 10.09.2008
changed: mbox fix for viasat channels
-------: restarting mbox did not clear channel without change channel
changed: soft update script now correctly uses /var/bin/soft
-------: selectable from -assign button- menu too
File Name: MBOX ALL PLATFORMS third update 10.09.2008
File Submitter: mower
File Submitted: 10 Sep 2008
File Updated: 10 Sep 2008
File Category: MBOX EMU
10.09.2008 third update
-Added restriction for add.data file, only one D and C line can be added per one call.
-Added IP change detection for C line peers.
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
312. Elküldve:
2008-09-08 12:07:36 |
[57.] |
IPBOX 9000HD SifTeam image
The script for mboxII_online.
The file you download, and unzip, copy in the box
in the folder /var/scrpit or in the folder /var/ bin.
Now in SifTeam Panel under the Script (yellow button), you have a script "scrplg-mbox_dd.sh."
Run a script and follow the instructions on TV.
CAM_mboxII.online #### The basic program with the configuration files (keep your cfg files)
PATCH_v7092008_wo_cfg_files.online #### Patch program without configuration files (cfg files)
Add_SifTeam_settable.system.online #### Now, within SifTeam Panel -> System have two new items:
Setpath-mboxII_dd_plugin_script.sh ***** Set path for the installation of online mboxII
Setpath-SifTeam_plugin_script.sh ***** Set path for the SifTeam plugin installation
Simply change in the system you are interested and directly to install.
The script added
scrplg-mbox_changes.sh ***** read recent changes related to the mbox
[válaszok erre: #313]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
120. Elküldve:
2008-09-06 19:50:39 |
[59.] |
- if newcs 1.61 is needed , put into /var/bin as newcs
updated: mbox II (5.9.2008 update3) now included
changed: mgcamd and mbox can now be stopped from webif
included: default mbox setup with newcs and internal cardreader
included: cool,nlb_blue_nlb_grey skins from @crash
--------- no downloads needed
--------- nlb_blue is default used now
included plugin: hddtemp v0.0.6 by kneubi
included plugin: script v0.0.2 by kneubi
remember to upload configs/files into /var/keys
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
118. Elküldve:
2008-09-03 14:27:56 |
[61.] |
uj emu ipbox es ufs 910
"Spcs Nasscamd"
yesterday, they released spcs_2.2.44_sh4_210808.tar.gz
i think this is a client for commercial cs server.
it require MAC address" for activation"
PC-Editor 1.2.46_Beta10 released
After a badly needed timeout here is the new PCEditor 1.2.46 Beta 10:
- New: Support for database revision 7934 (Image Revision 8022 or later)
- New: Update database R7327 to R7934
- New: Settings entry for Power Mode (in HDD settings)
- Fixed: Wrong FEC data for IPBox 9000/CubeRevo when editing transponders
- Fixed: Select modulation and transmission for IPBox 9000/CubeRevo when
editing transponders
- Fixed: Crash when dropping a favorite at the end of the favorite list
Setup_PCEditor_1.2.46_Beta10.exe [b]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
105. Elküldve:
2008-09-01 05:20:26 |
[63.] |
NLB r8022
login: root
password: relook
* Updated to SVN 8022
* included: cool,nlb_blue_nlb_grey skins from @crash
* --------- no downloads needed
* --------- nlb_blue is default used now
* included plugin: hddtemp v0.0.6 by kneubi
* included plugin: script v0.0.2 by kneubi
* updated: Danish menu language file
* * remember to upload configs/files into /var/keys
- newcs 1.62 included
- Also included is NE*CS 1.62
- linked nonstandard_encoding , private_epg_info to /var
[válaszok erre: #106]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
99. Elküldve:
2008-08-28 13:28:38 |
[65.] |
AB IPBox HD/900HD Images - Cli-team addon
copy "cli-***-addon.ipk" to /tmp
connect to box with webinterface (write
IP adress of your box to internet browser)
use login/password: root/ipbox
go to menu addons
press install
wait for STB reboot
es egy plugin
scrplg-G**X-stat 0.4b
This script use "script plugin" for the ipbox9000/cuberevo.
copy the files:
-> /var/bin
- optimization image SifTeam
[válaszok erre: #100]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
98. Elküldve:
2008-08-28 05:53:28 |
[66.] |
uj plugin
MBOX 0.2 27/08/08
Versiuna lui mbox pt SH4 cpu (ipbox 9000 si 900)
-Added support for SH4 (tested only on IPBOX 9000HD ,image:SifTeam Image 014 rc3!!!,use image that can generate /tmp/pmt.tmp file -> this image can).
-Added option for writing ECMs in ecm.raw file (option W in mbox.cfg).
-Default value of line is changed from 3 to 7.
-Added usage of ignore.list file ( just G option).
-Added CAT table parsing - EMM pids(only for dreambox).
-Fixed bug when changing channel and data in ecm.info wasnt deleted.
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
874. Elküldve:
2008-08-26 07:33:52 |
[67.] |
uj sw 5.44 (date 20.08.2008) F500 es X540
Rayman_KEYFINDER V.5.0.0 PRO
what is news:
-Added 2 option for softcam keys
-added support vplug keys (v_keys /v_sids 2 server)
-Tps.bin servers working fine again
-via keys back
[válaszok erre: #875]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
93. Elküldve:
2008-08-25 13:33:54 |
[68.] |
Sifteam 0.1.5
Based on "OFFICIAL" SVN revision r8022.
*From 0.1.5:
Added panel whit red button
login: root
password: relook
rename usb_update_nlb7927mini.img to usb_update.img and update using usb pendrive.
NLB r7927
* Updated to SVN 7927mini
* fixed: EVOCAMD script now support /var/bin/evocamd
* fixed: MGC**D script fixed to work with binary /var/bin/mgcamd
* fixed: network DHCP correctly initiated at first boot only
* fixed: skin blue/grey - channel search not working
* fixed: firmare upgrade from webif
* included: cool,nlb_blue_nlb_grey skins from @crash
* --------- no downloads needed
* --------- nlb_blue is default used now
* included plugin: hddtemp v0.0.6 by kneubi
* included plugin: script v0.0.2 by kneubi
* updated: Danish menu language file
* * remember to upload configs/files into /var/keys
" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener noreferrer">http://rapidshare.com/files/136009983/nlb7927mini.zip
[válaszok erre: #94]
[előzmény: (92) 910 ufs, 2008-08-25 13:16:51]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
865. Elküldve:
2008-08-07 21:00:20 |
[69.] |
v1.16.84 up...
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
864. Elküldve:
2008-08-07 12:46:21 |
[70.] |
aha..aszt halotam hogy Openbox 790 lesz a neve...
[előzmény: (863) abomix, 2008-08-07 10:15:19]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
862. Elküldve:
2008-08-07 09:07:39 |
[71.] |
mien termekek?
[válaszok erre: #863]
[előzmény: (861) abomix, 2008-08-07 08:09:06]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
860. Elküldve:
2008-08-07 05:45:45 |
[72.] |
v1.16.83 UP
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
859. Elküldve:
2008-08-06 12:56:07 |
[73.] |
nincs tapasztalatom...
[előzmény: (858) szekimilu, 2008-08-06 10:59:51]
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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Tagság: 2007-07-14 16:06:41 Tagszám: #47062 Hozzászólások: 206
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