Találatok száma: 96 üzenet |
Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
13467. Elküldve:
2009-07-17 16:36:08 |
[51.] |
Hello István and Diana,
I made the new website for two reasons.
The old website could not be worked with by me or Edina. Neither of us could work with the program. There was no choice but to make a new site. But the old data was still important and worthy to be kept. Now there is a place for more to be added easily.
I complained to Ákos that I was hearing complaints from people asking when was the website going to be redone? I told him that I did not have to time to do it, I was just telling him what I was being told and when was something going to be done about it. He told me that everyone said they were too busy just like I did.
I felt really bad about that. If I had the time to complain, then I had the time to do it.
Therefore if you have the time to complain, then you must also have the time to do what you complain about. If you get me the current data and put it into a document, I can upload it to the website.
I have made the website for free, it took a month of my time - now everyone else needs to do their part too! This is a club with more than 70 members, it should be a club effort, not the same people doing all the work all the time.
I and Péter made the website and we will add to it and keep it up - but we cannot chase all the data from all the events, collect it and put it into an edited document too! Our job is to make the website in two languages - someone else needs to collect the data!
So why don't you organize the task of data collection? Get a group of people together that can do this instead of complaining why it was not done.
[válaszok erre: #13477]
[előzmény: (13426) Csibiti, 2009-07-17 14:28:09]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
13418. Elküldve:
2009-07-17 12:34:17 |
[52.] |
[előzmény: (13413) csigafrédi, 2009-07-17 12:23:43]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
13405. Elküldve:
2009-07-17 11:25:47 |
[53.] |
Hello Everyone!
We are happy to announce the Magyar Mudi Klub has a new website and its own domain name! The MMK website is now located at:
I am the main webmaster along with Péter. You can contact us about website matters at:
[email protected]
Please let us know if you have any problems seeing the site or using any of the features.
We hope that you enjoy the new website!
If someone would be so kind to translate this to magyarul, I would greatly appreciate it.
Best wishes,
Celeste and Péter
[válaszok erre: #13413 #13480]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
10753. Elküldve:
2009-07-07 20:04:46 |
[54.] |
Szia Gabi,
Do you have pictures of problematic Mudi legs as I do not see this in the breed and I am wondering why you are worried about it. Perhaps I have missed it, but as I like to see nice long straight legs on a dog/Mudi, I don't think I would have missed it. I am not the short legged breed fan at all, nor the short legged cats. Yeah I have seen a few here and there that are east-west (or french feet is another name) but not in any great numbers.
As for the length of the leg - now that is another story. I think some breeders dogs are becoming like stools, big body and short legs and this is not good, but I avoid breeding that way and with those dogs anyway and that is not hard to do as they are not such a big percentage of the population either.
As for the Havanese people's habit......they also think that by wetting and soaping their dogs they can see that they are not dysplastic too......yes you can see structure, but no one has x-ray vision to see condition of the joints. So as long as this is understood by the Mudi people, then wetting a dog can show many things about it that the fur hides.
[előzmény: (10682) zöldbors, 2009-07-07 16:47:10]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
10448. Elküldve:
2009-07-07 09:59:40 |
[55.] |
There is a formula (I have a link for the equation on one of my websites), but it is very hard to use, that is why I have a computer program. Most of all you need all the dogs you can find to get the most accurate number and this is more dogs than you see on a pedigree.
There will be no separate percent amount to show which is an inbred litter or which is a line bred litter - both are the same thing. Linebreeding is inbreeding, and neither should be done if you want to avoid creating health problems as much as possible.
Any score over 0/0% is inbred. 12.4% is quite inbred. 25% is dreadfully inbred. The FCI recommends (as I was told) a breed's population should be no higher than 6.25% COI. Already the Mudi is at 9.0%. And I do not know all the litters so it may very well be much higher. At 9% we now start to see the effects of inbreeding - more and more health problems are appearing. The Aussie breed is at 13.5% and dreadfully full of health issues. They were no less sick at 12.5% several years ago.
Not all kennel websites list the correct COI (inbreeding score) I have seen several listed much lower than it really is which is not a good thing.
[válaszok erre: #10469]
[előzmény: (10439) csigafrédi, 2009-07-07 09:46:23]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
10429. Elküldve:
2009-07-07 09:38:14 |
[56.] |
Semmi gond, general rule? Can you explain?
[válaszok erre: #10439]
[előzmény: (10423) csigafrédi, 2009-07-07 09:35:22]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
10410. Elküldve:
2009-07-07 09:25:25 |
[57.] |
Épp egy pillanatra vagyok itt.
Nekem szükségem van az anyára és apákra a kölyökkutyák nevei.
Nekem szükségem van az email címedre.
[válaszok erre: #10423]
[előzmény: (10378) csigafrédi, 2009-07-07 09:00:53]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9693. Elküldve:
2009-07-03 14:32:58 |
[58.] |
Szuper foto! Nagyon, nagyon jó!
Orr pigmentation - most, ma - fekete vagy kicsi barna?
[válaszok erre: #9701 #9704]
[előzmény: (9687) Aduaneros, 2009-07-03 14:20:30]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9669. Elküldve:
2009-07-03 14:02:34 |
[59.] |
Szia Gabi, (és Aduaneros)
One of the white puppies from your C litter, I think it is Csordas? His pictures are on this forum alot. I think Aduaneros owns him.
He is the most beautiful white Mudi I have ever seen! Any owner and breeder should be proud to have such a dog. There should be bitches lined up to breed to him!
Size - who cares! Is he epileptic? Can he herd, is he intelligent? Does he have good health test scores? Can he pass the temperament test?
These are the things we should be thinking about, not the size.
Size matters only in people's heads.
Köszi, Celeste
[válaszok erre: #9672]
[előzmény: (9663) zöldbors, 2009-07-03 13:49:01]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9635. Elküldve:
2009-07-03 11:19:12 |
[60.] |
Why not?
The locus must have some pair of alleles on it, it cannot be empty. Why not recessive black instead of one of the others that are possible in the series?
It was not so long ago that dominant black was removed from this allele set and given its own locus (with brindle), so with that in mind, recessive black may not be with this set of alleles either.
There is still too much we do not know and still only assume about colors. I do not say that we surely have recessive black in the Mudi, but there is no reason to think it is not also possible that we do have it. You cannot tell a recessive black from a dominant black by looking at the color on the outside of the dog.
If we have Ay yellows and ee yellows, then why not aa blacks and KK/Kk blacks too?
[válaszok erre: #9728]
[előzmény: (9617) Ssacci, 2009-07-03 10:26:04]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9595. Elküldve:
2009-07-03 09:25:42 |
[61.] |
Szia Gyuri,
Szomorúan túl sok tenyésztő koncentrál arra, aminek a Mudinak tűnnie kellene, kedvel és nem bármi máskülönben ez a probléma és ez az, hogy mit szeretnék tisztítani a fajtából.
Sadly too many breeders focus on what the Mudi should look like and not anything else, this is the problem and this is what I would like to "clean" from the breed.
[előzmény: (9594) AduAsz, 2009-07-03 09:19:43]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
Kezdő |
Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9413. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 20:25:34 |
[63.] |
[válaszok erre: #9427]
[előzmény: (9409) Fend, 2009-07-02 20:19:28]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9400. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 18:33:49 |
[64.] |
István! Tökéletesíts fordítást! Ahhh nekem annyira jónak kellene lennem.
Híres - semmi gond.
[előzmény: (9397) Híres, 2009-07-02 18:13:43]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9388. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 16:51:20 |
[65.] |
That was good! Thanks for the laugh - it is the same all over the world then!
[előzmény: (9385) Mudista, 2009-07-02 16:47:07]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9386. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 16:50:38 |
[66.] |
Barna cifra, hamvas cifra, fekete cifra, hamvasbarna cfira - minden jó mudi színek?
Fekete, fehér, fakó, hamvas, barna, hamvasbarna - minden jó mudi színek?
Fekete-cser, Border Collie tarka barka, Austral Juhász fajta színek, stb, stb, nem jó mudi színek?
Ez helyes?
[válaszok erre: #9390]
[előzmény: (9383) Gulakuti, 2009-07-02 16:39:55]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9382. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 16:39:35 |
[67.] |
Szia, Thanks, I understood, I can read much better than I can write. But! Sometimes the jokes between people are not so easy to understand and the unique phrases that are indigenous to all nationalities - these are very hard to understand as well. So I like to ask before I assume the wrong thing when possible.
[válaszok erre: #9385]
[előzmény: (9379) Híres, 2009-07-02 16:28:24]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9381. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 16:33:25 |
[68.] |
Robi, Ok az akkor jó. Szereted cifra, minden színben, ők nem hibásak. Én persze gyártmányhoz csak.
[válaszok erre: #9383]
[előzmény: (9380) Gulakuti, 2009-07-02 16:28:27]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9361. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 15:28:52 |
[69.] |
Robi, talán nem olvastam azt helyesen, de azt gondolom, hogy bármelyik, akinek eléred, hogy egy vicc vagy te azt a barna cifrát véld, egy színhiba és bármilyen másik is merle? El tudod magyarázni nekem ennek, hogy miért gondolod ezt?
Köszönöm! és sajnálkozó a rossz magyaromnak
[válaszok erre: #9363 #9364 #9379 #9380]
[előzmény: (9340) Gulakuti, 2009-07-02 14:25:04]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9357. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 15:23:14 |
[70.] |
Köszönöm a fordítást !
[válaszok erre: #9359]
[előzmény: (9331) Mudista, 2009-07-02 14:12:30]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9309. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 13:29:20 |
[71.] |
In my opinion.....
Being an awarded breeder does not make you anything but an awarded breeder and you can write it to your website...you get a nice plaque for your collection too.
Yes I strive to be one because those that are, wave it in our face like it is some sort of blessing from the Gods.....it is not and really anyone can be one that produces enough pups and litters.
I do not want to make it nothing, it is an accomplishment, but it does not mean that you are a great or even a good breeder. If you make the same mistakes over and over and never learn anything and do not understand even the basic elements of genetics, you cannot be a good breeder and I see several of the Gold Awarded breeders do not have a clue as to how even colors are inherited - how they understand disease inheritance then?
So for me these awards are nice, but meaningless in the real world of breeding and what is important.
I will go and don my flame repellent suit now.
[válaszok erre: #9324 #9339 #9355]
[előzmény: (9296) serzsu, 2009-07-02 13:11:44]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9306. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 13:19:48 |
[72.] |
Szívesen! Semmi gond.
[előzmény: (9302) serzsu, 2009-07-02 13:16:57]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9305. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 13:18:22 |
[73.] |
Szia !
And if you add them all up.......not all breeders breed every few years and some have come back from the "dead" to start up over again many years later.
And I do not know them all.....
[válaszok erre: #9308]
[előzmény: (9300) Mudista, 2009-07-02 13:14:10]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9293. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 13:07:54 |
[74.] |
Szia, Bocs angolul, nincs ido ír magyarul...
2000-2005 breeders Hungary (minimum) 64
2000-2005 breeders other countries (minimum) 32
I write minimum as I do not surely know every litter born and pedigreed, but these I do know about.
2006 - current breeders Hungary (again minimum) 48 - 20 are new - that is, not in the previous 64
2006 - current breeders other countries (again minimum) 30 - 13 are new - that is, not in previous 32
I just did this study last week or two weeks ago. Péter asked me for this for the Mudi article in the Nemzetközi Kutya magazin, but he may not have used this data in the article - there is only so much room given by the editor.
[válaszok erre: #9300 #9302]
[előzmény: (9284) serzsu, 2009-07-02 12:43:26]
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Tagság: 2004-11-08 09:46:10 Tagszám: #13736 Hozzászólások: 96
9283. Elküldve:
2009-07-02 12:36:05 |
[75.] |
Szia Adu,
Biztosan viccelsz!
[válaszok erre: #9284 #9285]
[előzmény: (9272) Aduaneros, 2009-07-02 12:11:07]
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