ELADÓ-egy szuka és egy kan kangal ,10hetesek.Tegnap érkeztek Sivasból.Nyáj mellett aktívan dolgozó szülők kölykei.
Érdeklődni lehet:Kürsad Killics 06703188368,vagy nállam:06209997408
Generations of MENEK are characterized as taller and heavier dogs from other bloodlines. Perfectly transmitting the character to their own puppies. Еxcellent light movements, regardless of weight and anatomy.
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BETER, son of MENEK and GONUR.
The dog that Tanya Gorohova loved most in her life. Champion in everything it took a part in
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Kara Kele AYBAR, owned by Igor Gorohov.
Father: KARAGEZ, owned by Igor Gorohov
Mother: AY PERI (Garahan X Kara-Gez), owned by Igor Gorohov
KARAGËZ was born in november 18th 1992 in Turkmenia. He was imported to Moscow in the spring 1997, there he were used in the "Kara Kelle" kennel of Igor Gorohov. Karagëz died in July 2005 and was probably the best representative of pure turkmenian dogs with tipical and beautiful head and excellent skeleton. He produced offsprings of really high quality - his son Kara Kelle Aybar became champion of Russia and Belarussia in 2000. Karagëz was entered dog-fights in Kolomnya and Ashhabad, where defeated famous Bergud (owner Kyarizov) or Medgar (North Caucasian region) in Malahovka. Not only russian breeders lost outstanding dog with him.
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MENEK, 15.09.1994
"79sm tall, very good format, a little bit long legged, middle developed bone system, but with the vision of a male turkmenian dog, very confident behaviour, distrastful, always in working condition
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MENEK, 15.09.1994
Menek is precious to breeders who profesionally work with combining turkmenian blood lines not because of itself by its own. But because of the crossed and inbreeded combinations which he presents and perfectly re-give in its own generations. For last 10 years he truelly deserved to be names as an origin of a blood line, wearing an unique compilation of qualities of its ancestors
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GONUR, owned by M. Sanaeva.
Father: APACHI, owned by Kakish Kyarizov
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AYPERI, owned by Igor Gorohov
Father: GARAHAN, owned by Igor Gorohov
Mother: KARAGEZ (Akgush X Karakulpok), owned by A. Nuryagdyev
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Garahan Gorohov. Father of AYPERI, Gorohov. Son of GAPLAN, B.Chokgayev X GOYUNCHI /KARAGYOZ X KARABASH - mother of TOHMED, Muhamedov
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GARAHAN, imported from Turkmenia by Igor Gorohov.
09.05.1996 before a fighting event in Bagyre
Gorohov. Father of AYPERI, Gorohov. Son of GAPLAN, B.Chokgayev X GOYUNCHI /KARAGYOZ X KARABASH - mother of TOHMED, Muhamedov/.
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GARAHAN, imported from Turkmenia by Igor Gorohov.
15.05.1996 before a fighting event in Turkmenia.
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Puppies father Akbay (Tarzan x Sparta) from Bulgaria
Todor Gergov, Kiril Balakov
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Tarzan pedigree
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Sparta (Spartak x Yaldaz; Akbay mother
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Spartak (Sparta father)
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Spartak pedigree
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Spartak 10,5 years old
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Yaldaz (Sparta mother)
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Nem ide való képeket töröltem , Vitko mint Moderátor
Mindenkinek. Nem biztos, hogy minden olvasó vendég rendelkezik Facebook elérhetőséggel. Ezért érdemes az eladásra váró kölyök topikba, fényképeket behelyezni. Mert így nem lesz elérhető annak aki esetleg szeretné látni a kölyköket képeken.
De legalább pásztorkutya keverékek..... nem pedig ukrán lopakodók v "patellaficamos stafford" keverékek.... vágott füllel-farokkal és hipi szupi tkv-vel... Egyébként mindkét szülőjük tőlünk való, ami azt hiszem, a munkakészségükre/képességükre egész jó garancia....
Az EU szerint tilos a csonkítás, ellenben büntetendő is. Amúgy meg a "füles-farkasok" teljes értékű kutyák, annak ellenére, hogy nem lett levágva a fülük,a farkuk sem. Lehet, hogy így, füllel, kevésbé félelmetes az arckifejezésük, mint egy megcsonkított társuké, viszont a pásztorkutyai feladatukat maradéktalanul elvégzik, őriznek állatot embert egyaránt. Illetve intelligens, jó idegrendszerű és könnyen szocializálódó kutyák.